Dramface Podcast Eight

Jason is back alongside Roy, Julie and Gordon

Star Wars. Speyside. Coals To Newcastle and How’s It All Going?

You know, we do try to keep things positive.

But things are sent to challenge that, constantly. There’s been so much news recently about pricing to demand, rebrands and nonsense that we occasionally just have to tackle it.

Regulars Jason and Roy join host Gregor alongside Gordon and the returning Julie to discuss these topics. Since there’s nothing they can do about any of it they’re really just prodding around in the dark and dreaming. So while they dream, what bottles would they resurrect - if they could?

This was released early to Dramface Members. Thank you for your support!

Already a Dramface Member? Invite yourself into the podcast and win yourself a shirt from the Dramface Store. The first Dramophone comment we use on the upcoming recording of the next podcast will snag a shirt and size of their choice. Hit the record button!

Music credit: That First Dram by Tom Good

Gregor McWee

Gregor takes on the role of our readership as he hosts our occasional podcasts. Originally hailing form Scotland’s capital Edinburgh, he is now one of those insufferable expats living elsewhere. In Gregor’s case it’s the West coast of the US where he draws pictures of shoes for a living. He’s hosting for us simply because he was available.


Dramface Podcast Nine


Dramface Podcast Seven