Dramface Podcast Eighteen

Who Nose?

“I Can’t Taste What Everyone Else Does!”

Inspired by a Dramophone comment

As usual we have a main topic; nosing, tasting and note-taking.

As per usual, we’re all over the place and it takes us a while to get there. But get there we do. We discuss nosing, tasting and note taking. Via peanut butter, Ruffle bars, chocolate and cheese.

Rob shares another killer auction steal, before breaking his mic, and then going on to break I Am A Distillery.

As usual, we leave it all in.

Gregor & The Team

This was released early to Dramface Members. Thank you for your support!

Already a Dramface Member? Invite yourself into the podcast with the Dramophone and you could feature in a future podcast.

Music credit: That First Dram by Tom Good

Gregor McWee

Gregor takes on the role of our readership as he hosts our occasional podcasts. Originally hailing form Scotland’s capital Edinburgh, he is now one of those insufferable expats living elsewhere. In Gregor’s case it’s the West coast of the US where he draws pictures of shoes for a living. He’s hosting for us simply because he was available.


Dramface Podcast Nineteen


Dramface Podcast Seventeen